
Another cure for worrying

Hello, my darling readers,

I found my cure for worrying. It is a simple and accessible cure that I will share with you next.

As a empath I am prone to overthinking especially if I have on me the negative energies of other people. If I do not purify of the negative energies of the people I met in that day I tend to have their worries too. Their fears and worries adds up with my own and sometimes it is hard to sleep at night.

Empaths need to have a very strict purifying routine for their own well-being. And on the long term that is the best cure for most of the problems that are not their own but only gathered from the people they meet daily. I have an older post here with a purifying prayer to archangel Michael if you want to check it out.

But last night when I woke up worrying about something not important but for which I would loose sleep for, I found another cure for my worrying. I wanted to go back to sleep as quickly as I could. So as I notice that I was worrying about something that did not work in my life, I started to give thanks for all the good things that I have working for me. And as I was giving thanks and being grateful a peace come over me and I sleep very well until late in the morning. It is simple to counteract worries with gratitude but maybe we don’t think that would always work so well. Give it a try next time you worry for nothing and tell me if gratitude helps you too.

I see you in my next post, please subscribe and not missed it. God bless!

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