
Spiritual and childfree by choice

Hello, my darling readers,

Life has a way of teaching you all that you need to know, even when you refuse to learn it. Something always happens in life that makes you understand yourself more and reconsider every big decision you have ever took. And that it is not a wrong thing to do, most of the times.

I was recently in a relationship and his dream was to have a family with children. As I thought we have true love, I started to explore this dream of his, although I choose to not have kids many years ago. I went to a doctor to see if I am able to make healthy babies as I am over 40. And I am very healthy and all the doctors I spoke with, said I can have children if I want, but to make them soon.

As I was in this relationship and considering to maybe have children, I thought I got pregnant. But as I waited for the test to show me the result I was hoping to be negative. Because I do not want to have children. It is okay to explore someone else’s dream and make sure you did not change your mind about yours. But in the end it is good to do the right thing for you, and not to loose yourself in someone else’s.

As a woman when I asked myself if I want children a long time ago, I had to consider if I want a child so bad that I am willing to raise it alone. A lot of relationship do not work and most of the times the children stay with the woman. So stay true to your desires and don’t do anything that you are not ready to do.

PS: I was not pregnant. And also the relationship did not last. But I got to explore this decision of having children and I know now clearer that ever that being childfree it is the right thing for me.

See you in my next post and God bless!

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