
Card reading for 2024

Hello, my darling readers,

As I promise I made a card reading for you, my readers, to help you in the year 2024. My question was:

What my readers need to know in 2024?

The answer was 3 cards:

1 The sense of humor

This year, all the situations in which you do not know what to do can be improved with a good sense of humor. The archangel and all the angels have a good sense of humor. And they know that when you laugh, you can change your vibration and you can get in a better mood. In the year 2024 watch a lot of comedies. Take time and go to a stand-up comedy show. Read and maybe learn a few jokes to tell your friends and spread the laughter. Have lots of laughter this year. They say that laughing even improves your immune system. 

2 Explore your options

This card means that you lasted too long in a situation in which you are unsafe or just uncomfortable. Your patience is remarkable but it’s time to find other options for your present situation. If you have problems at work maybe it’s time to update your CV and find another job or ask for a raise. If your living situations are not what you hoped for, it is time to start looking for a different flat or house. If your relationship with a friend or a lover it is not going well, this year it is time to look for other options. That means either to try to improve your relationship or if you can’t, maybe it’s time to end it. If you are in an unhealthy relationship remember that you are not alone if you ended.

In this year you are supported by Archangel Michael to find other options for your problems. Get that second opinion from a different medical doctor, from a lawyer or other type of specialist you need. Do what you need to feel safe and good again.

3 Rely on God and angels for help

These days you find yourself in a situation that needs the Divine’s help. You are a strong person but even the strongest of us need help sometimes. If you try to solve your problems by yourself it can be too much for you. This card means that:

  • It is time to let other people help you if they offer,
  • Ask for the help of your family and friends,
  • Go to a guidance counselor to speak about your problems.

The cards can guide you in all the situations that you do not know what to do in 2024, but are only to be taken as advice. Because you know better what you want and what it best for you, in the end.

May 2024 be better than 2023 in all the aspects of your life and God bless!


The spiritual cleaning of your house

Spiritual cleaning is not something complicated. You are doing it every year but you do not know what it is.

Every year usually in spring people clean their houses, the so called: spring cleaning. I know you did it at least once in your life.

I used to avoid it. I blamed my stressful work place for my lack of energy and in some year I did not do the spring cleaning. But then I became spiritual almost a decade ago and I learned that a good cleaning in your entire house it can change the energy of your home, I made the time to do it.

But let me explain what do I mean by a spiritual cleaning. I mean to go through everything you own and decide if you keep it or not. Yes, there are methods to help you do that. One of them is KonMarie method and it says that you can make it only once in your life and then it will last you for the rest of your life with only a little bit of tidying every day. Other way of thorough cleaning, I saw on You Tube that a family was cleaning every week by taking all their objects from the closets and wiping everything and putting them back in their place. In this way they change the energy of their house weekly. So you can do this type of cleaning as often as you can or you feel your energy stagnant.

You can do this thorough cleaning as a family and you can even make it fun. When you declutter your home you get ride of objects that are tying you up to your past. Maybe you did not know that you still have some dress you wore on a bad date. You are happily married now but the dress is still reminding you from another time in your life and you can’t wear it. So it takes a space in your closet that you can fill with a brand new dress that you can enjoy. Make a donation box for all the items you don’t like or need anymore.

After the declutter when you clean everything and put everything back you will feel besides tired, because of all the work, you will also feel released. Make sure that you also open your windows when you clean or you may burn some sage after the cleaning so you may purify the air in your house too. Ventilate your house especially if the weather allows you to stay with your windows open for longer periods of time.

It is enough to do this spiritual cleaning only once a year if you do not have the time to do it more often or the energy. But in energy terms, your house can gather in a year a lot of bad energy that can sit with you and can eat from your essential energy. Remember that I said that in my past I felt I did not have the energy for such a big cleaning. I was just dusting and vacuuming and that was not enough to feel that satisfaction and joy that comes when your house is sparkling clean. That was because I had so much stagnant energy suppressing my vital energy.

If you did not do your cleaning this year, I am sure that now you know why it is important to make time for it.

Happy cleaning!


Talking with my angel ep 93

I started to seriously write in this blog to promote my close to be published book : “Talking with my angel.” But after a while as I was writing about my life in a spiritual prospective it turned into something else. I love that people from over the world read my posts and maybe get inspired by them. I started writing all together to help people. I had a very deep spiritual experience a few years ago and after that I felt I needed to share with people how I see the world now.

I would love some day to inspire people to be themselves just by writing and maybe make a living out of it; but for now I will keep my day to day job and just write in this blog.

It took me a year to write my closed to finish book: “Talking with my angel” and I like the final product. It will take a while longer to finish the last touches and to self-publish it.

It is a spiritual book, of course, like my blog! And I am very proud of myself for writing it!

I will keep on writing and maybe you, my readers and/or my followers will get something good out of it!

Thank you to all for reading this, you make my efforts worth it!