Inspiration, Spiritual

Finding peace in change

Hello, my darling readers,

When your life is a roller coaster of changes and all the emotions that come with that you can still find peace.

Don’t try to focus on each day as a time because that may be to much at times. You need to focus in the present moment and not even think a second further than that. You need to move and stay busy until you are safe to take a moment to stay with your feelings. But again don’t do a very big analysis of events just ask yourself: “What do I need now to feel better?” That is all. And whatever answer your body will give you, do that. And moment by moment all it will pass and you will change for the better without stressing.

Life is change. So you can’t stop changing and evolving even you want it or not. At least make the changes in a manner that you will feel as well as you can. Do what you can for yourself every day. Give yourself the care you want from others and you will be more than fine. If you have self-love you have everything you need!

See you in my next post and God bless!


Finding peace again

Hello, my darling readers,

As I experience lost recently I had a hard time getting rid of the sadness, although sadness doesn’t usually stay with me long. And I did not know why I was feeling so low. But then I got it.

Five months ago, I started a new hobby because I wanted to meet more people and maybe get more friends in my life. And I went there every week. Every night after every meeting I could not sleep well. And it took me a few days to restore my energy. So I felt off the whole summer and I was blaming it on the heat. But then the autumn came. It was no more summer’s heat and I was still felt like sick after those meetings.

I wanted so much to get the friends I came there to find that I did not connect the fact that I was feeling like sick after every meeting. Maybe I was in denial of what was going on with me because I wanted so much to get my own way.

I know you are doing the same thing from time to time, to force something just because you wanted so much. And then pay the consequences.

When I connected the dots and I understand that staying with those people every week was hurting me more that I wanted to admit, it was very easy to decide to stop going there. And in a few days I found peace again. My energy is back on. And I found a new more healthy hobby which is better for myself.

Have a great day or night, and God bless!